Wrestling Fakes, Fics and Pics

Votes taken by luigi2k16

  1. .
    Cool, thanks to whoever it was that let me know about that guy. You won't have to hear from him for a while lol
  2. .
    Okay then. Well you can start by removing the downvote on DragonKing's comment after changing his vote. There's no good reason for doing that just because they didn't wanna vote for Bayley. Have a look at the rules if you disagree.
  3. .
    Alright man, you're taking this too far and too seriously right now.

    "So Ding dong! Here's another fact! The votes from you and everyone else that I deem to be biased in any way from your communications are being removed. I told you nicely to calm down and you still started getting at people who voted differently. So for the last time let this go and stop taking it so personally. Not everyone likes Bayley the most."
  4. .
    Nice work. It was good for someone like me since I don't read many fanfics right now so this was a quick and easy fanfic to get through but agree with Hypno's feedback about everything too. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
  5. .
    Nice chapter. It's been a while since I've read anything but this was a good read 🙂
  6. .
    Great story once again 😁
  7. .
    I'm not sure why you doubt yourself so much lol. Your work is still great from what I read :)
  8. .
    Great story man. I like your writing style too :)
  9. .
    This only took 2 days to think of and write? I was already impressed with your work before but when you can put together a story like this in such a short time it just showcases how good you are at this.
  10. .
    Nice episode. I thought I'd read this one next due to what happened with the IIconics. I'm sure the rest of this series will be just as great :)
  11. .
    Interesting idea for a series. I'll try to read some more episodes once I get some more free time 👍
  12. .
    Lol, nice one 😄
  13. .
  14. .
    Another nice chapter there :)
  15. .
    Great stuff man. I enjoyed reading it :)
909 replies since 7/2/2016