Wrestling Fakes, Fics and Pics

Votes taken by luigi2k16

  1. .
    Wow, small world huh.

    And you seem pretty petty Alexa Bliss's guy for disliking someone just because they happened to randomly meet someone that people know and not have an experience like people on Twitter apparently say. But I'll probably get a dislike from you just for saying that :lol:
  2. .
    Finally had some time to catch up on this series. Very nice stuff so far :)
  3. .
    Well it's a Velvet themed fanfic so of course I like it. And I refuse to believe she's actually that old :lol:
  4. .
    Another great chapter to this amazing series. I don't really have any ideas on what the type of wrestler the protagonist should be though
  5. .
    Just had a chance to catch up on the second season and I'm glad I did. This has been a great one so far and I'm sure it'll continue to be that way :)
  6. .
    Well you've convinced me to go and watch it in a bit 😂
  7. .
    Wow, some people sink to new lows just to make a quick buck off of vulnerable people. But I could imagine that Kit video being hilarious
  8. .
    Wait what? That's a thing? How can you even scam someone by using the coronavirus lol?
  9. .
    Nice. Of course it's got a bunch of Bayern players haha
  10. .
    Lol. What does your team look like then?
  11. .
    Lucky you. For some reason Fifa 20 has never been enjoyable for me.

    Lemme guess. Was that controller broken due to FUT Champs? :lol:
  12. .
    I can't stand FUT 20 lol. The game is one of the worst I've played and I gave up like a week into it. I did pack David Silva and De Gea though so I think my team is just those two and a bunch of random players :lol:. I usually play Fifa 18 instead since it was the last Fifa game that I somewhat enjoyed.
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  15. .
    A great end to a great season. Can't wait to see what you do with the second one :)
909 replies since 7/2/2016