Wrestling Fakes, Fics and Pics

Votes taken by luigi2k16

  1. .
    It kinda falls under the whole no bullying/harassment rule but sure, I could add that onto the third rule
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    Hmm, it's close but I think people might want to see it 😂
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    Nice one. I can definitely see why people were fans of yours on NWF
  4. .
    Lol that makes sense. Did you lose all the stuff you made on NWF or did you have your fanfics saved elsewhere?
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    Hey, good to see you around man.

    Favourite current male and female wrestler?

    How did you feel about NWF shutting down?

    Did you have a specific fanfic series on NWF or were they one off stories?
  6. .
    That PPV schedule is amazing 😂. Makes me look forward to see what goes on in each of them. Even though you're only one episode into your series I'm already hooked lol
  7. .
    Another amazing chapter from you. What's the fake that you need done for the next part?
  8. .
    Very nice fanfic there. I'm surprised this is the first ever fanfic you've made since you already seem great at it lol. I'm sure the next part will be just as good too
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    Yeah that's true. Although around that time people like Kelly Kelly, Maryse and others were near the top of that division so she probably would've fit in there. Are you telling me that you wouldn't want to see a 20 minute classic between Velvet and Kelly Kelly? :lol:
  15. .
    Well I definitely won't argue with you there. Screw WWE for not trying to sign her lol
909 replies since 7/2/2016